Dell Annual Threat Report

Dell Annual Threat Report Reveals Cyber Criminals Using Aggressive, Shape-Shifting Threat Tactics; 50% Surge in Encrypted Traffic Affected Millions of Users in 2015

Dell Annual Threat Report Reveals Cyber Criminals Using Aggressive, Shape-Shifting Threat Tactics; 50% Surge in Encrypted Traffic Affected Millions of Users in 2015

– Exploit kits evolved with alarming speed, heightened stealth and novel shape-shifting abilities
– Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) encryption passed the tipping point, encrypting 64.6 percent of web hits and leading to under-the-radar hacks affecting millions of users; new decryption/inspection strategies a clear necessity
– Malware attacks nearly doubled to 8.19 billion with Android ecosystem being prime target, putting a large percent of smartphones at risk globally
– Dell today announced the results of the Dell Security Annual Threat Report detailing the cybercrime trends that shaped 2015 and identifying top emerging security risks for 2016. The report, based on data collected throughout 2015 from the Dell SonicWALL Global Response Intelligence Defense (GRID) network with daily feeds from more than one million firewalls and tens of millions of connected endpoints, Dell SonicWALL network traffic and other industry sources, equips organizations with practical, evidenced-based advice so they can effectively prepare for and prevent attacks.

This year’s report details four developing trends in cybercrime.

– The evolution of exploit kits to stay one step ahead of security systems.
– A continued surge in SSL/TLS encryption that is giving cybercriminals more opportunities to conceal malware from firewalls.
– The continued rise of Android malware.
– A marked increase in the number of malware attacks.
“Many of the breaches in 2015 were successful because cybercriminals found and exploited a weak link in victims’ security programs due to disconnected or outdated point solutions that could not catch these anomalies in their ecosystem,” said Curtis Hutcheson, general manager, Dell Security. “Each successful attack provides an opportunity for security professionals to learn from others’ oversights, examine their own strategies and shore up the holes in their defense systems. At Dell Security, we believe the best way for customers to protect themselves is to inspect every packet on their network and validate every entitlement for access.”

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