MGS+ Infrastructure - Water

MG Strategy+ is an infrastructure solutions and business Development Company that provides professional management of investment projects in the construction industry. Through its strategic partners; MG Strategy+ can provide multidisciplinary engineering, planning, management and technology solutions for a broad range of integrated systems and infrastructure solutions in addition to providing process and equipment solutions for water and wastewater treatment. MG Strategy+ capabilities provides a dynamic partnership that better enables MG Strategy+ to respond to greater challenges around the world and to offer an even broader range of value-added services to our clients. With award-winning partners that have gained international recognition by virtue of innovation, quality and commitment to clients, our collective and impressive skill sets are enhanced by our strategic relationship with local and international partners, within both government organizations and the private sector. MG Strategy+ seeks to form partnerships that are strategic and substantial; to develop our existing associations and gain the full benefits of ongoing relationships and expertise; and to seek out new partnerships in which the benefits flows both ways.

MG Strategy+ can provide a full range of systems and services for water and wastewater treatment, which includes:
  • Client representation for quality monitoring and assessing progress of capital improvement projects to certify the return on investment.
  • International resources for sourcing and providing the best priced instruments, technology, materials and packaged systems that meet US and Canadian standards
  • Structuring Public Private Partnerships to deliver best in class solutions
  • Working with Clients to provide a Software Reliance Program and cost effective platforms for secure business and process applications and data transfers
  • Developing Cyber Security Programs and facilitating independent audits
  • Advanced Process Control and Optimization Solutions
  • Operational Intelligence System deployments
  • Web based applications
  • Deployments of unidirectional gateways for process to business applications
  • Providing the separation and fluid handling technologies
  • Preparation of feasibility reports
  • Detailed engineering design and delivery of package water and wastewater treatment plants
  • Provide field supervision services for construction, installation and startup of facilities
  • PLC / SCADA / DCS programming, software and hardware for any required degree of automation Provide services and equipment for retrofit and expansion of existing plants
  • Full range of maintenance services with preparation of As-built and O&M protocols / manuals

MG Strategy+ is a member of the Strategic Efficiency Consortium SEC

MG Strategy+ Non-Revenue-Water Efficiency

MG Strategy+ is a leading global provider of comprehensive solutions for urban water efficiency. Our solutions build on standard terminology and procedures used to carry out a water balance audit, to develop clear and meaningful intervention strategies and have performance indicators to assess both the operational and financial performance of a water utility with respect to water loss. Our solutions are based on the best-practice methodology developed by the International Water Association (IWA).
The outputs of our activities:
  • A standard water balance using international best practices and technology
  • Managing the intervention process
  • Evaluating the audit and intervention processes and provide performance indicators to assess the improvements
  • Implementing long tem strategies for water loss reduction

By some estimations, 2.1 trillion gallons of purified drinking water are lost each year in the United States because of leaky pipes and broken water mains. Water covers over 70% of the planet, but just 3% is fresh water. Most of the natural fresh water is in ice form; less than 1% is readily accessible for human consumption. This means that less than 0.007% of the water on earth is ready for drinking. Over 1.4 billion people lack continuous access to clean, safe water worldwide. The gap between water supply and demand is constantly increasing, expected to reach 40% by 2030.

By 2025, a third of the world’s population will be affected by water shortages. By 2050, more than 70% of the world’s population will live in urban areas. In many developing countries, the percentage of water lost is well over 30%, reaching even 80% in some extreme cases. Over US$ 18 billion worth of water each year is considered non-revenue water (NRW). More than 32 billion cubic meters of potable water leak from urban water systems worldwide. Only 10% of leaks are visible; as the vast majority of leaks are invisible and silent from above ground.

The major challenge facing water utilities and municipalities is how to deal with high levels of Non-Revenue Water (NRW). NRW is the gap between the amount of water put into the distribution system and the amount of water for which customers are actually billed. High levels of NRW reflect huge volumes of water being lost through leaks (real/physical losses), water not being invoiced or not being accurately measured (apparent/ commercial losses) or both.

A water balance audit details how much of each type of loss is occurring and how much it is costing the water utility. The key concept behind this approach is that water should be accounted-for throughout the production and delivery system. In conducting a water balance audit, a quantity is determined for the major components of water consumption and water loss, and a price is placed on each component in order to assess its financial impact on the water utility. A detailed and accurate water balance forms the basis for an effective NRW management strategy.

MGS+ Infrastructure - Sectors

Water - Power - Oil - Gas - Chemicals - Metals – Mining
MG Strategy+ is a multidisciplinary engineering, planning, management and technology firm that provides a broad range of integrated systems and infrastructure solutions with a strong focus on:
Urban Development
  • Transportation, Traffic & Mobility Planning
  • Ports Waterways
  • Technology & Systems Integration
  • Roads Highways ITS
  • ITS Engineering
  • ITS Technology & Systems Integration
  • Rail & Transit
  • Management Services
  • Program & Project Management
  • Rail & Transit Infrastructure Systems
  • Transit & Environmental Planning
  • Production Facilities - Water & Wastewater; Power Sector; O&G; Chemicals
  • Contract Oversight
  • Management Services
  • Engineering & Design
  • Environmental Services
  • Management Consulting
  • Operations Planning
  • Technology & Systems Integration
  • Automation and Process Optimization
  • Big Data Solutions
  • Smart City Solutions

    MG Strategy+ is an infrastructure solutions and business Development Company that provides professional management of investment projects in the construction industry. Through its strategic partners; MG Strategy+ can provide multidisciplinary engineering, planning, management and technology solutions for a broad range of integrated systems and infrastructure solutions. MG Strategy+ capabilities provides a dynamic partnership that better enables MG Strategy+ to respond to greater challenges around the world and to offer an even broader range of value-added services to our clients. With award-winning partners that have gained international recognition by virtue of innovation, quality and commitment to clients, our collective and impressive skill sets are enhanced by our strategic relationship with local and international partners, within both government organizations and the private sector.

    MGS+ Infrastructure - Smart Responsive Cities


    With the world facing intractable challenges such as increased populations, polarized economic growth, climatic changes and huge budgetary constraints, the adoption of scalable solutions that leverage information and communication technology is required. The modern smart city should provide a new better quality of life to create more opportunities for the life and development of its citizens. A smart city uses digital technologies or information and communication technologies to enhance quality and performance of urban services, to reduce costs and resource consumption, and to engage more effectively and actively with its citizens. Sectors that have been developing smart city technology include government services, transport and traffic management, energy, health care, water and waste. Smart city applications are developed with the goal of improving the management of urban flows and allowing for real time responses to challenges. A smart city is more prepared to respond to challenges than one with a simple 'transactional' relationship with its citizens.

    A holistic approach is needed to work towards a “Smart City”
    1. Study the concept. Becoming a smart city is not simply about becoming a technology laden site; integration of energy, infrastructure, social aspects and human behavior needs to be planned for. This effort is about accomplishing something, cities should first study the concept, pilot it and make sure it’s truly what they want to do.
    2. Discover the needs and priorities among the city’s citizens and businesses, outreach from the political class goes over well with the electorate. It’s one thing to build something and have no one use it. It’s another thing to build something to meet very specific needs of the individual and corporate citizenry.
    3. Create plans and communicate the smart city vision and the benefits that will be realized. Get stakeholders behind the plan and execute the pilot in a timely manner; a connected infrastructure provides a backbone for municipal communications as well as an avenue for public awareness.
    4. Consider the cloud. Your city may not be able to do all the implementation, operation and maintenance necessary to support an advanced analytics capability. By procuring these services in the cloud, providers take care of the technical issues and city officials can focus on running their cities.
    5. Determine the best engagement model and know the expected deliverables.
    There are four engagement models cities often use:
    • The first is "Build Own, Operate," where the city is the primary contractor and delivers the smart city services, so operation and maintenance are completely under the city’s control.
    • Second, in the "Build, Operate, Transfer" model, the city appoints someone to build the smart city infrastructure and then the city takes over.
    • Third is the "Open Business Model," where the city allows any qualified company or business to build city infrastructure and provide city services under specific guidelines and regulations.
    • The final model is the "Public-Private Partnership," in which the city works with a private-sector partner that shares the risks and benefits.